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Online Will Making Service just for the Caribbean

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Leave a Legacy Behind

Take a bold step to contact Caribbean Wills for your Will

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Caribbean Will-Making Services

Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago.

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What We do


A Valid and Legal Will

We give you the tools and guidance to prepare a simple, legal and acceptable Will for yourself.


Quick, Convenient and Easy Tool

No hassle, no lawyer’s office. Just click and type, and have your finished Will ready immediately for printing and signing.


An Affordable Will-Making Service

At less than half the cost of the average lawyer’s fees for drafting a Will, the service on CaribbeanWills is affordable and accessible.


Expert Input

CaribbeanWills was created with the expertise of lawyers, and lawyers continue to be a part of our team. You are safe with us.

Meet The Caribbean Lawyer That’s Bringing The Region On Par With The World

Meet Noelize Didier

Mrs. Noelize Knight Didier is an Attorney-At-Law of nineteen years standing, having been called to the bar of the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court in Dominica and also of the Supreme Court of Barbados.  She has been a partner at the law-firm Harris, Harris & Didier in Roseau, Dominica since July, 2013.

Prior to joining her present law firm, Mrs. Knight Didier worked with another Dominica law chamber, then practiced as a sole practitioner -running her own firm, for a few years.   She is also a certified mediator and arbitrator.

Easy And Affordable

You don’t have to go through the hassle, high cost, or anxiety of going to a lawyer’s office. Our service enables you to prepare for yourself a lawyer-approved Will that will be acceptable and legal, for only $38.99 USD. Don’t delay. Have a Will in place today. Click here to get started

All you need is about thirty minutes. Provide the answers to the questions in our Will-Assist Wizard, then your Will is produced as a pdf document for you to print, and execute in front of two witnesses. And there you have it -your legal Will in your hands, making provisions for your loved ones upon your passing.

Making your Will on CaribbeanWills.com costs only $38.99 USD, which also gives you unlimited access to your unsigned Will on our website for up to one year, to make any changes you wish for free. After a year, if you wish to have continued access to your Will online, you can maintain your membership with us for a yearly fee of only $8.99 USD. When your Will is prepared, you may also make use of our “WIll Review” Service for JUST $68.99 USD, to have one of the lawyers on our team review your Will for clarity.

If you live or own property in any Commonwealth Caribbean country…Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago.. then this service is for you! Once you are over eighteen, you can and should have a Will.

Our Services

The future is unpredictable. The time to make a Will is now. Use our service and feel assured that in the unfortunate event of your death, you have made the provisions that you desire for your loved ones.

$68.99 USD

Once your Will is created on CaribbeanWills, you may take advantage of our Will Review Service.



CaribbeanWills provides you with the tools and guidance required to make for yourself a simple, yet legal and valid Will.


Once your Will is created on CaribbeanWills, you may take advantage of our Will Review Service.




Frequently Asked Questions

Having a Will in place gives you the comfort of knowing that whenever you die, the distribution of your property is taken care of as YOU want it to be. We do not know the day or hour of our death and thinking that “I have time” is definitely an unnecessarily risky approach. Preparing a Will takes a short time, especially when using this online service, and will save your loved ones a lot of uncertainty, hassle, conflict and disappointment.

If you die without a Will, it is quite likely that there will be problems in identifying and sharing your estate, and more importantly, it may not be shared how you want it to be. The ‘law of intestacy’ will determine how your property will be shared and it is more than likely not exactly how you would choose for your property to be shared. A Will gives everyone certainty about your wishes.

Please don’t think that because you have no property right now that you should not have a Will right now. If your Will is in place now for “all your property”, then whenever you do acquire property your Will is going to apply to that property. Also, you don’t want to take the chance of dying soon after acquiring property and not having had the time to do a Will. It is better to have a Will all the time. And what if you die as a result of somebody’s wrongdoing? It means that your estate could sue the wrongdoer and end up with quite a bit of money that becomes your property under your Will! Additionally, you can update your Will throughout your life as you acquire (or lose) property.

Don’t delay. Have a Will in place today.

Yes. This site assists you in preparing a proper Will yourself. To make the Will legal after you have prepared it, you must print it, date it, then sign it in the presence of two witnesses who must also sign the Will in your presence. There is NO need to register it anywhere, or do anything more with it, to make it legal. A Will does not have to be prepared by a lawyer for it to be legal. It is advisable though, to have the input of a lawyer for the content and format of your Will, and you can rest assured that this online service was created, and is still managed, by a team of lawyers. Further, you have the option of selecting our “Will Review” service, to give you that added sense of security about the content of your Will. However, if your Will is going to be complicated, or your estate is a complex one, then you should consult with a lawyer. What makes a Will legal though, is your signature in the presence of two witnesses, who also sign the Will in your presence. When you have completed making your Will with CaribbeanWills, instructions will again be provided to you for the proper execution of your Will.

It is not a mandatory requirement under any law in the countries of the Commonwealth Caribbean to have a lawyer prepare your Will. Anyone, including yourself, can prepare your Will. If your Will requirements are likely to be complicated or your situation and/or property is complex, then you should certainly go to a lawyer and seek their advice and services. However, the vast majority of Wills are straightforward and will use standard clauses used by lawyers for ages. No further legal advice will be required. For these reasons, an online service built by lawyers is perfectly fine for the majority of people wishing to make a Will. What we do is give you the right tools to prepare your own Will. Once you have prepared your Will with CaribbeanWills, then all you need to do to make it legal is to print it, and sign it in the presence of two witnesses who must both also sign the Will in your presence. 

The service on CaribbeanWills.com is specifically designed for people who live or who have property in the countries of the Commonwealth Caribbean. These are Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago. If you are from or own property in one of these countries, then you can certainly prepare your Will on CaribbeanWills.com. Your Will prepared on CaribbeanWills.com will relate ONLY to property located within these countries. If you have property within the Caribbean and also in another country or countries, it may be prudent to draft separate Wills relating to your property in each place, and special wording will have to be used so that one Will does not revoke the other. In these circumstances, it would be best to seek the advice of a lawyer of your choice

Our Blog

Carib Dev


Whenever we think of making a will one of the first things that stops us in our tracks is having to seek the services of a lawyer.

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Carib Dev


We see it all too often, a seemingly random overgrown plot in the middle of a community, or maybe what looks like an abandoned shop.

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