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Frequently Asked Questions

At Caribbean Wills, We make sure we answer all questions  that You need answers to

Having a Will in place gives you the comfort of knowing that whenever you die, the distribution of your property is taken care of as YOU want it to be. We do not know the day or hour of our death and thinking that “I have time” is definitely an unnecessarily risky approach. Preparing a Will takes a short time, especially when using this online service, and will save your loved ones a lot of uncertainty, hassle, conflict and disappointment.

If you die without a Will, it is quite likely that there will be problems in identifying and sharing your estate, and more importantly, it may not be shared how you want it to be. The ‘law of intestacy’ will determine how your property will be shared and it is more than likely not exactly how you would choose for your property to be shared. A Will gives everyone certainty about your wishes.

Please don’t think that because you have no property right now that you should not have a Will right now. If your Will is in place now for “all your property”, then whenever you do acquire property your Will is going to apply to that property. Also, you don’t want to take the chance of dying soon after acquiring property and not having had the time to do a Will. It is better to have a Will all the time. And what if you die as a result of somebody’s wrongdoing? It means that your estate could sue the wrongdoer and end up with quite a bit of money that becomes your property under your Will! Additionally, you can update your Will throughout your life as you acquire (or lose) property.

Don’t delay. Have a Will in place today.

To make a Will on this website, all you need to do is click on the “Don’t Delay Start your Will“.

Afterwards, just follow the onscreen directions to create an account, then to answer all the questions and put in all the required information for your Will each step of the way. When you’re done, follow the directions to print and sign your Will.

Creating an account allows you to update your Will whenever things change or whenever you simply want to make a change.

When you pay the fee of $38.99 USD to make your Will on CaribbeanWills, you also receive one year of unlimited changes to your Will using our Will-making service. In order to receive this, you must be able to log in with a username and password. After this one year, you are free to close your account with us completely, or to keep your account and pay a minimal yearly fee of $8.99 USD so that you can continue to make changes to your Will anytime you want using our Will-making service. You can cancel this subscription any time.

What we keep on our site is a soft copy of your unsigned Will. To make any changes that you make to your Will legal, you must print your updated Will and sign it in front of two witnesses. Also, you should then immediately destroy your old Will.

This web site uses state-of-the-art digital encryption and security technologies to protect your privacy and security. All data passing from your computer to this web site is authenticated and encrypted using 256-bit “SSL encryption”. This is the most advanced level of encryption available today, and it means that any information sent from your computer is scrambled in a way which makes it completely unintelligible if intercepted. When you are on a secure section within the web site (i.e. after you have logged in as a member), a padlock will appear on your web browser. This is your assurance that the encryption is in place and that you are communicating across a secure link.

CaribbeanWills does not store your credit card information. Credit card processing is handled by Stripe payment processing.
CaribbeanWills collects and stores this information for processing your order, improving site functionality and marketing purposes.

Email info@rentcarsdominica.com and you will receive a reply within 24 hours.

Once your Will is created on this website you may choose to take advantage of our Will Review service, for a cost of $68.99 USD. With this service, one of the lawyers on our team will review your Will to ensure that the clauses are complete and logical, and send you their feedback via email within days. This review will not provide legal advice but will make suggestions to ensure that your Will is complete and reads logically.

CaribbeanWills will not send you any junk mail upon the creation of your account, and neither will we barrage you with constant emails of any kind. We will send you receipts for payment, a yearly reminder to keep your Will updated, and alerts when your subscription is coming to an end. If you choose to, you may subscribe to our monthly blog and also request to be sent alerts when a new feature is introduced on the website. Additionally, we do not share or sell any of your personal information with any other website, company or any other person. We have no arrangements with any third-party concerning personal information sharing. Therefore, you can rest assured that you will not receive any marketing or other emails from third parties as a result of your subscription to CaribbeanWills. 

It is OK to assist somebody else to create a Will on this website if they require such assistance. However, to make the Will valid, that person and that person only must execute the Will. You cannot execute a Will on behalf of anybody else. Also, you should never influence anybody about what they put in their Will and who they leave any property for. This could possibly invalidate their Will or any gift left for the influencer. For this reason, it is not a good idea to assist someone to create their Will if they intend to leave something for you in their Will. 

The service on CaribbeanWills.com is specifically designed for people who live or who have property in the countries of the Commonwealth Caribbean. These are Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago. If you are from or own property in one of these countries, then you can certainly prepare your Will on CaribbeanWills.com. Your Will prepared on CaribbeanWills.com will relate ONLY to property located within these countries. If you have property within the Caribbean and also in another country or countries, it may be prudent to draft separate Wills relating to your property in each place, and special wording will have to be used so that one Will does not revoke the other. In these circumstances, it would be best to seek the advice of a lawyer of your choice

Yes. This site assists you in preparing a proper Will yourself. To make the Will legal after you have prepared it, you must print it, date it, then sign it in the presence of two witnesses who must also sign the Will in your presence. There is NO need to register it anywhere, or do anything more with it, to make it legal. A Will does not have to be prepared by a lawyer for it to be legal. It is advisable though, to have the input of a lawyer for the content and format of your Will, and you can rest assured that this online service was created, and is still managed, by a team of lawyers. Further, you have the option of selecting our “Will Review” service, to give you that added sense of security about the content of your Will. However, if your Will is going to be complicated, or your estate is a complex one, then you should consult with a lawyer. What makes a Will legal though, is your signature in the presence of two witnesses, who also sign the Will in your presence. When you have completed making your Will with CaribbeanWills, instructions will again be provided to you for the proper execution of your Will. 

Your Will must be signed by you in the presence of two witnesses, who must then sign the Will in your presence. Your witnesses must be adults of sound mind. You may choose a friend, a community member or a co-worker for example, but do not choose someone who you have named to receive something in your Will (a beneficiary). A witness should not have anything to gain from your Will, as their witnessing your Will may invalidate their gift or other benefit.

Your witnesses do not need to read your Will.

When you have completed making your Will with CaribbeanWills, instructions will again be provided to you for the proper execution of your Will.

It is not a mandatory requirement under any law in the countries of the Commonwealth Caribbean to have a lawyer prepare your Will. Anyone, including yourself, can prepare your Will. If your Will requirements are likely to be complicated or your situation and/or property is complex, then you should certainly go to a lawyer and seek their advice and services. However, the vast majority of Wills are straightforward and will use standard clauses used by lawyers for ages. No further legal advice will be required. For these reasons, an online service built by lawyers is perfectly fine for the majority of people wishing to make a Will. What we do is give you the right tools to prepare your own Will. Once you have prepared your Will with CaribbeanWills, then all you need to do to make it legal is to print it, and sign it in the presence of two witnesses who must both also sign the Will in your presence. 

Living Wills are a good option for directing who is to be in charge of your affairs and what you would like to happen to you and your affairs if you become unable (physically or mentally) to make such decisions for yourself. Unfortunately, not many Commonwealth Caribbean countries have the laws required for living wills to be recognized or enforced. We therefore do not provide the service of Living Wills at this time.

You certainly can take your Will prepared on CaribbeanWills.com to any lawyer of your choice to review. If you choose to do this, you should do so before signing your Will. While we provide you with the tools to make creating your Will simple, convenient and complete, the Will that is created is of course quite dependent on the information that you provide. It is possible, therefore, that if incomplete or unclear information is entered, the resulting clause in your Will may also be incomplete or unclear. CaribbeanWills.com offers a Will Review Service at a cost of $68.99 USD, to have one of the lawyers on our team review the Will that has been created if you choose to. With this service, we will happily send you feedback on your Will, based on the information you provide and your questions. However, if you have any doubt about the legality or content of your Will, or require legal advice, you should seek the services of a lawyer in your country. 

CaribbeanWills cannot make any recommendations to you at this time, as to a lawyer that you may use in your country. 

Yes. When you pay the fee of $38.99 USD to make your Will on CaribbeanWills, you also receive one year of unlimited changes to your Will using our Will-making service. After this one year, you are free to close your account with us completely, or to keep your account and pay a minimal yearly fee of $8.99 USD so that we will keep your Will available to you and you can continue to make changes to it anytime you want using our Will-making service. You can cancel this yearly subscription any time. What we keep on our site is a soft copy of your unsigned Will, as well as the information given at each stage of the Will-maker so that making updates is easy for you. To make any changes that you make to your Will legal, you must print your updated Will and sign it in front of two witnesses. Also, you should then immediately destroy your old Will. 

You are free to cancel your subscription to CaribbeanWills at any time. If you do so, we will delete your account along with the soft copy of your Will and all information supplied to us. We will not store any of your information. However, you are welcome to subscribe again by creating a new account. You would of course have to start your Will from scratch and also pay the initial fee of $38.99 USD once again. 

Commonwealth Caribbean Residents are people from Antigua and Barbuda, Anguilla, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, British Virgin Islands, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago.

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